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Maui County Water Authority

For more than a century, many of Maui County’s largest water systems have been controlled by private corporations. Ditches, canals & dams were created to deliver stream water to plantation crops for export. Today these stream water delivery systems are poorly maintained and waste millions of gallons each day.  Maui County also depends on this precious water for its public water systems and must pay private corporations for delivery.

With climate change and more frequent droughts across the globe, it’s crucial to shift control of the islands stream waters out of corporate hands and back to the people of Maui Nui.  Future prosperity depends on water, and Maui County must not leave itself vulnerable to decisions made behind closed doors for profit.

Itʻs essential to update these water systems for future water & food security, and bring the people of Maui Nui into decision making to help manage public trust water for the benefit of all.

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