HCA Board and Staff
Lucienne de Naie, President

Lucienne de Naie lives on a small East Maui farm with her husband Daniel Grantham. She works as policy analyst, project manager, community organizer and historical researcher and has served on the HCA board since 2015. Lucienne is a frequent presenter on historical and water resource issues and is author of a report on Maui’s water resources (2005) and a book on the history of Makena (2007).
Phil Lowenthal, Vice-President

Philip Lowenthal
Juris Doctor UC Berkeley 1969
Resident: Peahi, Haiku 1971
Interests: Public Service; Organic Farming
Relevant Focus: Hawaii Public Trust Law
Tim Wolfe, Treasurer

Tim Wolfe is a family man who has lived in Ha’iku since 1989. An early interest in community service led him to join the Ha’iku Community Association over two decades ago, and he now serves on the Board of Directors as the treasurer. Tim was a volunteer for the first annual Ha’iku Ho’olaule’a and Flower Festival, which was held for 25 years as a benefit fund raiser for community organizations until the pandemic arrived. Tim continues to serve as a Board Member of the Hawaii Farmers Union United Haleakala Chapter, which he joined over a decade ago to help promote sustainable agriculture on the island. An abiding interest in the future of the North Shore has led to his recent appointment to serve on the Pa’ia-Ha’iku Advisory Committee of the Maui Planning Commission.
Scott Werden, Secretary

Scott is a geophysicist by training but spent most of his work years in the software industry. A dedicated environmentalist, outdoorsman, and part time furniture maker, Scott hopes to help restore the north shore’s ecosystem to be closer to what it was 200 years ago.
Charla Konohia

Charla was born and raised in Ha’iku.
Laf Young

Laf Young & Family
Circa: 1971, Crooks Camp, Makawao
Bachelor’s & Master’s, USC
UH Faculty 1971-1981
Pioneer in off grid power & water systems.
Honopou resident since 1975.
Active Board Member HCA, past two years: emphasis on protecting our east Maui aquifers and completing the Haiku Fire Station.
Sue Wilson

“Arrived in Honolulu in 1951, age 8, when Dad started working at UH. Product of public school education through HS. My main passion: How Hawaiians were the first Environmentalists with the blueprint for successful care, of Hawaii, long established in their culture. We just need to do what they did…”
Rich Lucas

Richard Lucas
BA. Psychology Engineering Notre Dame
Juris Doctor University of Denver
Resident of Peahi, Ha’iku for 25 years
Interests: Preserving history of Ha’iku, Sustainable living
Nina Respicio
Maile Davis, Project Manager

Maile lives in Haiku, where her children have attended Haiku School just as she did. Getting involved in the community has been one of her most rewarding experiences, creating a passionate community for the future generations to benefit from. Believing that community is based on networking effects, she is involved in a vast assortment of Community Groups, School Boards, and more.
Mission Statement
- To inform the community about issues and events which could affect Ha’iku and the North Shore of Maui.
- To provide a non-partisan forum for expressing the concerns of the community, and for determining consensus on the best means of promoting the welfare of the community.
- To develop and conduct neighborhood special events for community building and non-profit fundraising.
- To represent the consensus of the Ha’iku Community Association before public and private authorities.
- To preserve the basically rural character of Ha’iku in accordance with the current Paia/Ha’iku Citizens Advisory Committee Plan.
- To develop community agricultural and beautification projects, youth projects, and cultural projects.
- To promote the establishment of parks, playgrounds, shoreline access, and hiking, biking, and riding trails to meet the recreational needs of the community.
Ha‘ikū Community Association
P.O. Box 1036
Ha‘ikū, HI 96708-1036