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In 2016 the Maui County council approved the purchase of 270 acres of former pineapple land in Haʻikū. The land roughly extends from Hana Highway to the ocean frontage between the Pe’ahi lookout (for Jaws) and Kuiaha Point.. The purchase also includes an easement for access to the Pe’ahi lookout. The council called this purchase the Hāmākua Open Space Park Preserve, in recognition of the Hawai’ian moku, Hāmākualoa, that includes present day Haʻikū.

Malama Hāmākua Maui is a local organization dedicated to the Hāmākua Open Space. For more information on Hāmākualoa or the Open Space, visit the Malama Hāmākua Maui web site.


​The Ha’iku Community Association is working with Malama Hamaku Maui and the Sierra Club on volunteer days.

Getting Involved

HCA sets up volunteer days to help clean up the land. Keep and eye here, on Facebook, or on the Sierra Club for announcements.